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Showing posts from November, 2022

Fed ‘pivot’ - repeated pattern from hope to reality

Investors yearn for a “Fed pivot” out of hope that the change in the monetary policy would help stock market rebound in the year-end season. However, ungrounded optimism could bring about unwanted loss in assets. Monday, November 14, 2022 Wishful thinking for Fed pivot One of the terms most frequently cited in the financial market in 2022 would be “pivot,” as investors yearn for the Fed’s pivoting from its tight monetary policy that brought key stock market indices down throughout the year. While the word pivot originated from sport, it is also commonly used in other policy areas such as economy and finance, as well as other domestic and foreign policies. In basketball, it is the act of putting one foot on a certain point of the ground while changing directions with the other one so as to move away from a defender(s). It is a way of avoiding the dribbling violation, or walking foul, as a player cannot take more than two steps without the ball being dribbled; with one foot fixed on the