How to promote peace in Northeast Asia

Inter-Korean relations sour, while Japan tries to strengthen military power

Monday, January 9, 2023

Although establishing peace in Northeast Asia is a difficult task with many facets, there are a few solutions that might be useful in easing tensions and encouraging cooperation.

One suggestion is to strengthen the economic ties that connect the nations of Northeast Asia. Initiatives like free trade agreements, infrastructure spending, and cultural exchange programs could all help with this. Economic interdependence can encourage peaceful coexistence as nations become more dependent on one another for commerce and investment.

Promoting regional security discussion and confidence-boosting measures is another concept. This could involve programs like military-to-military exchanges, collaborative training, and hotlines to lower the possibility of misunderstandings and mishaps. In addition, efforts could be made to address the underlying causes of conflict, such as territorial disputes and historical animosities, through diplomacy and dialogue.

A third suggestion is to support the growth of grassroots organizations and civil society that can advance peace and cooperation locally. This can entail helping NGOs, educational institutions, and other groups advance intercultural communication and understanding.

Several global initiatives could also be successful in fostering peace in Northeast Asia. One illustration is the Six-Party Talks, a platform where China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, and the United States can address political and security matters. The Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD), which brings together officials from the region's nations to talk about economic and security matters, is another illustration.

Overall, it is evident that efforts to bring about peace in Northeast Asia would need to be multifaceted and include diplomatic, security, and economic initiatives. Reduced tensions can lead to a more cooperative and peaceful region through fostering trust and cooperation.

Hopes for regional peace in 2023

With the world being drawn into what pundits call “new Cold War” order with the United States and its allies on one side and China, Russia and some other authoritarian countries on the other, North Korea has been ratcheting up its military provocations towards the South and its allies, or the U.S. and Japan, with a series of missile launches since last year.

Japan, for its part, has been outspokenly rather than sneakily taking steps to a military powerhouse again, consequently further raising tension in Northeast Asia, where China has already been causing concerns of regional instability with its hostile policies towards Taiwan.

It is time for the leaders and governments of major powers in the region, and the civil societies as well, to come up with more practical measures to stop the negative spiral of tension-raising and promote peace in the region in 2023 and ahead.
